Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District General Manager Terry Scanga received the 2020 Bob Appel “Friend of the Arkansas” Award today at a small gathering in Salida.

Bob Hamel, executive director of the Arkansas River Outfitters Association, presented the award on behalf of the Arkansas River Basin Water Forum, and Upper Ark District Board Vice Chairman Greg Felt read comments from multiple nominations submitted on behalf of Scanga.

The Appel Award is presented annually to recognize an individual who has worked to improve the condition of the Arkansas River in Colorado and has helped promote best management practices for using water in the Arkansas Basin.

In his nomination, Colorado Division of Water Resources Director Kevin Rein praised Scanga’s work with the district, noting his “impressive effort” in developing the innovative Trout Creek Park Multi-Use Project, which includes underground water storage.

In a typical year, the award would have been presented at the Arkansas River Basin Water Forum, held each year in April.